Category Archives: fuck taunts

Princess Danielle Subjects You to a Brutally Mean Size Comparison

“I’m gonna show you the kind of cock that makes me get hot and wet. And then I’m gonna show you the kind of little prick that makes me get mean. Then you’re gonna unzip and show me yours. Do you think it’s gonna make my pussy hot and wet? Or do you think it’s gonna make me mock and humiliate you?…”

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Princess Tessa Puts You thru an Agony Arousal Session in Her Bed

“I’ve been thinking about letting you out of your cockcage for a mercy orgasm. What would you do if I brought you into my bedroom next to my near-naked body and then released you — after all this time you’ve been in chastity. Could you handle it? Do you want to try? Then come into my bedroom now…”

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