Category Archives: cruel brat princess

Princess Megan…


Princess Katie…


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Princess Tiffani Invades Your Loser Room / Pig Sty / Jerk Palace

“How pathetic! I don’t care whether you still live at home in mommy’s basement or if you’re banned to the guest room by your dominant cheating wife, or if you’re squatting in a sad little shithole all by yourself. I’m gonna bust into your loser room to call u out and humiliate u for being the dirty little jerk pig you are…”  8 minutes

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Princess Missy Puts You Thru a Super-Cruel Loser Loyalty Test

Princess Missy from
“We already know you’d humiliate yourself just to please me. But what if I ordered you to betray someone for me? I’m playing in the college circuit tennis tournament and my #1 rival is somebody very dear to you. You’re gonna help me sabotage and publicly humiliate her – and yourself. Just ’cause Missy says so…” 10 minutes
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